Wednesday 7 September 2011

Natural Remedies For ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a broad syndrome that may include hyperkinetic syndrome, hyperactivity, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Although hyperactivity is commonly observed, it is not necessarily a component of ADD. There is likely to be a group of related problems, with some different etiologies, encompassed by the term ADD. In some instances, ADD might be a misdiagnosis for behavioral problems that are related to home and social situations without an underlying physiological dysfunction.

The most common manifestation of ADD is a combination of inability to remain at rest while awake, less total sleep time, and difficulty concentrating on a particular activity. The disorder may be somewhat apparent at birth (or even in utero) with excessive movement of the arms, legs, and head, but is usually not diagnosed until lack of concentration at school is deemed a problem, typically in the first or second grades (ages 7 to 8). As much as 10% of the U.S. population is believed to be affected; if that is the case, then ADD is one of America's most prevalent mental disorders. Males are at least four or five times as likely as females to have the disorder. This differential is probably partly genetic in nature, though hormones clearly play a role. The hormonal component of the expression of ADD is revealed in the fact that puberty may alter the course of the symptoms. Furthermore, thyroid hormone disorders are frequently found in persons with ADD.

A genetic basis for the disease is suggested by the fact that children with ADD are more likely to have fathers who suffered from the disorder. But, there are probably preventable environmental factors that lead to developing ADD, a disorder which seems to be occurring in much greater frequency now than just a few decades ago. It is possible that some cases of ADD arise from exposure in utero to harmful chemicals, such as from smoking, alcohol consumption, prescription and illicit drugs, and environmental pollutants, all of which have become wide-spread problems for women during the past four decades. Nutritional deficiencies might also contribute to the development of ADD. It appears that ADD arises from a neurological defect, with abnormalities in the brain tissue or neuron biochemical functions. ADD is found more often in children who have other brain defects, such as those leading to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, or temporal lobe epilepsy.

While for many children affected by ADD there is some reduction in the symptoms as the child enters puberty, the disorder will often continue for the rest of the individual's life, and the impact of the disorder on early childhood behavior, which often includes impulsiveness, recklessness, irritability, aggression, and poor emotional development, in itself produces effects felt throughout life even if the ADD is in remission. Sometimes, puberty brings about a switch from hyperactivity to persistent sluggishness, depression, and moodiness, which is liable to be equally disruptive. Children who suffer from ADD are much more likely, as adults, to be involved in crime, have unsuccessful marriages, and difficulty keeping a steady job, than those who do not experience this disorder. The primary treatment for ADD is the administration of stimulant drugs. This strategy may seem paradoxical in the context of a hyperactivity disorder. However, it is postulated that the controlling action of certain mid-brain activities may be deficient in these individuals and therefore a stimulant is able to bring about the desired control. The stimulation of brain function may enhance alertness and concentration. The primary drug used for this disorder is methylphenidate (Ritalin), a relatively mild derivative of amphetamine. Ritalin is also used in the treatment of mild to moderate depression, emotional withdrawal in the elderly, and narcolepsy. This drug can have side effects, mainly the problems seen with amphetamine use: nervousness and insomnia. It may also encourage epileptic seizures in those with latent epilepsy, and can reduce red blood cell and platelet counts. Many parents of children with ADD appreciate the effects of Ritalin but worry about the potential harm of continued administration of a drug; some note obvious adverse effects and seek alternatives. Ritalin is ineffective in about 30% of cases diagnosed as ADD.

In China, the same attention deficit problem has been noted, and Ritalin has been used as a therapy. From the traditional Chinese medical viewpoint, ADD is caused by a kidney essence deficiency that affects brain development. Further, the yin aspect of the kidney is most deficient, leading to excessive expression of yang: this is manifest as the hyperactivity and wandering of the mind. Accordingly, it is to be treated by nourishing the kidney yin, opening the heart orifices (which are the passages that affect the brain function), and settling the agitated yang. There have been numerous studies of the effects of Chinese herbs on ADD, with a remarkable degree of consistency in the selection of herbs used to treat this condition. Some Chinese physicians rely on differential diagnosis, with selection of somewhat different formulas for each syndrome classification, while others use a standard preparation with few or no modifications.

From the traditional perspective, the marrow and essence is the foundation of the brain, and the early problems with mental development indicate deficiency of the vital essence. The main herbs used for nourishing the kidney in children with this syndrome are rehmannia, tortoise shell, deer antler gelatin, lycium, and cornus. These are ingredients of the traditional Zuo Gui Wan (Left Restoring Pill) used to treat kidney yin deficiency when there are deficiencies of "marrow and essence."

Phlegm obstruction of the heart orifices usually leads to confusion, inability to concentrate, and poor memory. It occurs for a variety of reasons, but often because of weak digestion and/or poor diet, coupled with emotional disorders, especially agitation. The main herbs for clearing the heart orifices and enhancing the mental function are acorus, polygala, curcuma, and alpinia. Acorus is said to "open the orifices, vaporize phlegm, and quiet the spirit." Polygala is said to "expel phlegm and clear the orifices, calm the spirit and quiet the heart." Curcuma, which promotes movement of qi and invigorates the blood, is used to "treat hot phlegm that obstructs the heart orifices when there are symptoms of anxiety, agitation, or mental derangement." The Chinese name for alpinia, yizhiren, means "the seed that benefits intelligence." It aids digestion (preventing phlegm accumulation), astringes the kidney to restrain the essence, and prevents the development of heat from deficiency of kidney; the deficiency heat can cause phlegm to become a "mist that obstructs the heart orifices."

To settle the agitated yang energy (which may manifest as hyperactivity and insomnia) the so-called "heavy sedating agents" are used. The traditional concept is that these mineral-rich substances bear down on the rising and disordered yang. The main substances given for ADD by Chinese doctors are dragon bone or dragon teeth, oyster shell or mother of pearl, succinum, and cinnabar. In some cases, herbs to purge deficiency fire that accompanies yin deficiency syndrome might be employed. Phellodendron and anemarrhena are the most commonly used items for this purpose.

As an example of applying these methods, 30 children with ADD were treated with a syrup, along with a powder, for two to four months, with the result that 22 of them (73%) showed improvements. The syrup was made with alpinia, ho-shou-wu, lycium, dragon bone, oyster shell, acorus, curcuma, and salvia, boiled down to a thick liquid and preserved with benzoic acid. Three times per day, the children would take 25 ml of the liquid and 2 grams of deer antler powder. A similar method was used in a study of 50 children with ADD who consumed a decoction of acorus, polygala, dragon bone, and oyster shell, modified by adding three to six herbs according to symptoms, and who also consumed a powder of succinum. The duration of therapy was not specified but 38 of the children (76%) showed improvements.

Excellent results were claimed in a small study of 15 children treated with a decoction of ligustrum, peony, lycium, mother-of-pearl, and polygonum stem (each ingredient 10-15 grams), modified with addition of some herbs for specific symptoms of blood deficiency (add rehmannia and gelatin), spleen deficiency (add hoelen and atractylodes), or restless sleep (add zizyphus). The total daily dose was about 60 grams of herbs, the decoction taken in three divided doses. All 15 children were apparently cured with treatment times of 15 to 60 days, and no recurrence within six months. Another high dosage decoction, based on the traditional Sanjia Fumai Tang, containing raw rehmannia, ophiopogon, tortoise shell, peony, pseudostellaria, gelatin, baked licorice, curcuma, polygala, cnidium, oyster shell, acorus, and dragon bone, each ingredient 6-12 grams (except 20 grams oyster shell), was given to 68 children with ADD. This combination, with over 120 grams of crude herbs per day, taken as a single dose, was said to improve the condition of 64 of 68 children treated (with 61 declared "cured"). In a large scale study of 326 cases of ADD (267 boys and 59 girls), three different formulas were used; two were decoctions and the third a large honey bolus (six grams per pill). The overall effective rate was 93%, with 103 claimed to be cured. One formula, as decoction, was basically a qi tonic prescription, with astragalus, codonopsis, atractylodes, dolichos, licorice, cinnamon, oyster shell, and dragon bone. The other decoction was a formula for resolving phlegm-dampness, with pinellia, arisaema, agastache, acorus, polygala, eupatorium, soja, hoelen, coptis, and gardenia. The pill was a kidney tonic, with rehmannia, tortoise shell, dioscorea, cornus, hoelen, phellodendron, anemarrhena, polygala, acorus, and dragon teeth.

The large honey pills and bitter and acrid decoctions, as well as the syrups and powders, would not be acceptable in the West, but it is instructive to see that these methods can be used in China with good results: 70-100% of cases treated were said to be improved or cured.

An example of a potentially more practical approach is manufacture of a sugar paste. Two formulas were made in this form, Zhili Tangjiang, comprised mainly of acorus and polygala, and Kangyi Tangjiang, which contains those two herbs plus tortoise shell, hoelen, dragon bone, alpinia, dioscorea, and lotus seeds. The dose of these pastes was 10-15 ml each time, and they were taken two to three times per day. Of 170 cases (two studies), 132 (77%) were improved. Treatment time was about one month. It was pointed out that the paste could be encapsulated for purposes of easier administration.

Since the herbs recommended for ADD are non-toxic and readily available in the West, the main problem with adopting these methods is managing the dosage and administration. The high dosage decoctions may serve in China as a source of mineral substances (e.g., calcium and magnesium) which are more readily administered in the West through nutritional supplements and/or by direct ingestion of natural substances rich in those minerals given in capsules or tablets. Careful selection of ingredients in an herb formula can help to minimize the total amount to be ingested. Children in Western countries may be willing to take small tablets or capsules, tinctures, or syrups, especially if the number of daily doses and the amount taken at each dose is small.

Early in 1993, ITM prepared an experimental small tablet (Acorus Tablets, 300 mg) based on the work done in China for treatment of ADD. The formula contains acorus, polygala, fu-shen, alpinia, curcuma, raw rehmannia, dragon bone, dragon teeth, oyster shell, bamboo sap, tortoise shell, and succinum. In contrast to Ritalin, the formula contains no stimulants. Several reports of its use have been favorable, though much more study needs to be done to determine the extent of response. As a general rule, herb powders are taken in a dose of 1/10 to 1/5 that of decoctions. Since 60 grams (or more) is typical for ADD decoctions in China-mainly given to children 7-13 years old-a daily dose of about 6 grams of the tablets (20 tablets) would be a reasonable minimum for this age range. The dosage method developed at ITM is to give one tablet per year of age (up to a maximum of 7-8 tablets) each time, three times per day. For older children and adults, larger size tablets (700 mg) have been prepared, with a recommended dosage of 3-6 tablets each time, three times daily. Seven of the small tablets contain the same amount of herbal material as three of the large tablets. It is important to note that one formula, even if well designed, will not be ideal for all children. Following the traditional differential diagnosis, phlegm-resolving, fire purging, qi-tonifying, or other combinations may be necessary as adjuncts or substitutes for a basic ADD formulation.

Treatment times reported in the Chinese literature are generally two weeks to two months. When using a low dosage form, one would expect to undertake a longer term of treatment, perhaps four months. Fortunately, some degree of improvement is said to be observed in a relatively short time, so a decision to continue such therapy might be made after just one month (as is the cases with Ritalin). Among reports received by ITM regarding effects of Acorus Tablets or similar herbal preparations, the beneficial effects are noted during the first month of therapy.

Significant adverse effects have not been reported with use of Acorus Tablets. A small number of individuals have reported tiredness after using them. However, it is not clear whether this is an adverse effect of the herbs or a withdrawal symptom from Ritalin or the result of feeling an underlying tiredness from lack of adequate sleep that might not have been brought to awareness with the hyperactivity.

NOTE: The clinical trials mentioned in this paper were described in Chinese language literature. Rough translations of the information were prepared by Heiner Fruehauf, Ph.D., L.Ac., at the Institute for Traditional Medicine.

Source: ITM

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Tuesday 6 September 2011

Herbal Remedies For Arthritis

Everyone knows that as they age, they should expect more aches and pains. What most people don't realize, however, is that there are natural herbal remedies that help relieve the pain of arthritis associated with getting older.

About Arthritis

This painful and debilitating joint disease is usually either classified as osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

OA is a condition in which the cartilage of the joints slowly deteriorates and hardens. Bone spurs often form in the area of the joint, resulting in deformity and limited mobility. Inflammation is not present or is minimal. OA most commonly affects those age 65 and older.

Unlike OA, RA is characterized by inflammation of the membranes surrounding joints; they become tender and swollen. It is an autoimmune disorder, which means that the body's immune system is attacking its own tissues. RA most often strikes people between the ages of 20 and 40, crippling more women than men. RA often attacks joints in a symmetrical fashion, e.g., both hands or both knees. Joints can become deformed.

Herbal Remedies for Arthritis

Horsetail's cornucopia of minerals, including silicon, may nourish joint cartilage. Ample amounts of tissue-building minerals in your daily diet will keep bones healthy and may help prevent bone spurs, a common complication of arthritis. Researchers have reported that people with RA who follow a predominantly lacto-ovo vegetarian diet (includes eggs and dairy products but no meats) for one year notice significant improvements.

In some people, arthritic conditions seem to be related to food allergies or sensitivities to common foods including wheat and dairy. Others believe that foods from the nightshade family, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers, aggravate their condition, although others don't notice any connection. If you think certain foods play a role in your arthritis symptoms, it is important to put them to the test. Eliminate suspect foods for one week and nightshades for several months. Add eliminated foods back into your diet, one at a time, every four days. Note any reactions. During such trial and error times, be careful to keep eating a nutritionally balanced diet to support your body's healing efforts. It may be necessary to do a more extensive elimination or challenge to identify multiple allergenic foods. Consult a nutritionally oriented physician for guidance on how to attempt this safely and effectively.

These suggestionsare just the beginning. Go to the next page to learn more safe, effective herbal remedies for arthritis.

More Herbal Remedies for Arthritis

Although supplementing the diet can be effective in treating arthritis, it's possible to add herbal remedies that stop pain as well.

Some garden herbs act as analgesics, relieving pain. But do not try to eliminate all pain entirely, as it's a reminder to rest joints that are experiencing stress. Other herbs help to reduce inflammation, protect and support joint cartilage, and remove toxins that may accumulate in joints.

Pain-relieving herbs include cayenne pepper. Although it's in the nightshade family, arthritis sufferers are typically not bothered by it. A cream made from peppers is most effective, and multiple clinical studies show it works for people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arnica, which is used externally only, is a moderately strong pain reliever. Mint, wild yam, and yarrow are mild analgesics. Make a tea out of one or more of the latter three. Use arnica in a massage oil or ointment to rub into sore spots. Do the same with cayenne, juniper, rosemary, chamomile, or thyme.

There is a bountiful supply of anti-inflammatories in the garden that can help RA. Foods such as apples, parsley, and hot peppers help decrease inflammation. There are many herbs that also reduce inflammation of tissues and joints. Chamomile, elderberry, feverfew, goldenseal, licorice, marshmallow, nettle, skullcap, wild yam, wormwood, and yarrow all have compounds that fight inflammation. Pick a few of these herbs that are suited to your climate and will fit into your herb garden. Make an infusion of several and sip as tea. Combine with other pleasant-tasting herbs if you prefer. Refer to the individual herb profiles for guidance on which plant parts to use and how to prepare them.

Some physicians speculate that toxins in the system may irritate joints and prevent cartilage from forming normally. In this case, diuretics may help by flushing out toxins. Herbal diuretics include parsley, hydrangea, burdock, dandelion, horsetail, and goldenrod. Brew a tea of one or several of these. When using diuretic herbs, be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in potassium--just in case your body gets rid of too much potassium as it eliminates excess water. The best source is dandelion leaves. Running low on potassium can precipitate a heart attack and even death. Your heart needs this mineral to keep beating regularly and to normalize blood pressure.

Do not use juniper if you have kidney disease. Wormwood should be used only in small amounts for short periods of time.

Arthritis Recipes

Horseradish poultice: Use fresh horseradish root. Process with enough hot water in a blender to make a thick paste. Soak a piece of thin cotton fabric in hot water, then spread the horseradish root mixture onto the cloth. Cover with a second layer of dry cotton fabric. Place the moist side of the poultice over a sore joint. Leave on for 15-30 minutes. Use a hot water bottle on top of the poultice to keep it hot. If it becomes uncomfortable, remove the poultice. It is normal for the skin to redden, as the heat increases circulation in the affected area.

Juniper compress: Make a strong infusion with juniper berries or their tincture. Soak a cloth in the warm liquid. Apply to aching joints.

Arthritis can be debilitating, but these herbal remedies can significantly reduce pain sensations and make life more enjoyable for people who live with painful joints.

Source: Discovery Fit & Health

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Natural Remedies For Depression

In any given year, nearly 20 million adults in the United States have depression. Most people with depression do not seek treatment, although the majority can be helped with treatment. The first step is to talk with your doctor, because depression is a serious illness that shouldn't be self-treated.

Depression can also be a symptom of another condition, such as hypothyroidism or anemia. If you are currently taking medication or undergoing other treatment for depression, do not stop without consulting your doctor.

Natural and Herbal Remedies for Depression

Here are nine natural and herbal remedies that are used for depression.

  • St. John's Wort
The herb St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) has long been used in folk medicine for sadness, worry, nervousness, and poor sleep.

Today, the results of over 20 clinical trials suggest that St. John's wort works better than a placebo and is as effective as antidepressants for mild to moderate depression, with fewer side effects.

Studies suggest that St. John's wort is not effective for major depression.

It's available at health food stores, drug stores, and online in the form of capsules, tablets, liquid extracts, or tea.

St. John's wort may take 4 to 6 weeks to notice the full effects. Side effects may include dizziness, dry mouth, indigestion, and fatigue. St. John's wort increases photosensitivity, so extra caution should be taken to protect skin and eyes from sunlight.

Although St. John's wort appears to be reasonably safe when taken alone, it can interfere with the effectiveness of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, such as antidepressants, drugs to treat HIV infections and AIDs, drugs to prevent organ rejection for transplant patients, and oral contraceptives.

St. John's wort is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with bipolar disorder, liver or kidney disease. For more information about St. John's wort, go to the St. John's wort article index.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of good fat needed for normal brain function. Our bodies can't make omega-3s on their own, so we must obtain them through our diet.

Studies have linked depression with low dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids. In countries with higher fish consumption, such as Japan and Taiwan, the depression rate is 10 times lower than in North American. Postpartum depression is also less common.

Studies suggest that omega-3's together with antidepressants may be more effective than antidepressants alone.

Cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, and anchovies are the richest food source of omega-3 fatty acids. But instead of eating more fish which contain mercury, PCBs, and other chemicals, fish oil capsules are considered a cleaner source of omega-3 fatty acids. Many companies filter their fish oil so that these chemicals are removed.

Fish oil capsules are sold in health food stores, drug stores, and online. Most brands should be stored in the fridge to prevent the oil from going rancid. When comparing brands, the key active components for depression are EPA and DHA.

Fish oil capsules may interact with blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin and aspirin. Side effects may include indigestion and bleeding. Fish oil should not be taken 2 weeks before or after surgery. Fish oil can also cause a fishy aftertaste. To prevent this, try taking the fish oil just before meals.

  • SAM-e
SAM-e, pronounced "sammy", is short for S-adenosyl-L-methionine. It's a chemical that's found naturally in the human body and is believed to increase levels of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

Several studies have found SAM-e is more effective than placebo.

In North America, SAM-e is available as an over-the-counter supplement in health food stores, drug stores, and online. It should be enteric-coated for maximum absorption. Although it's one of the more expensive supplements, it remains popular as a remedy for depression and osteoarthritis.

Side effects can include nausea and constipation. For more information, read the SAM-e and Depression.

  • Folic Acid
Folic acid, also called folate, is a B vitamin that is often deficient in people who are depressed.

Folate is found in green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, fruit, beans, and fortified grains. It's one of the most common vitamin deficiencies because of poor diet but also because chronic conditions and various medications such as aspirin and birth control pills can also lead to deficiency.

Besides food, folic acid is also available as a supplement or as part of a B-complex vitamin.

Researchers at Harvard University have found that depressed people with low folate levels don't respond as well to antidepressents, and taking folic acid in supplement form can improve the effectiveness of antidepressants. For more information, read Low Folate and Vitamin B12 Linked to Depression.

  • 5-HTP
5-HTP is short for 5-hydroxytryptophan. It's produced naturally in the body and is used to make the neurotransmitter serotonin. Although taking 5-HTP in supplement form may theoretically boost the body's serotonin levels, many experts feel there is not enough evidence to determine the safety of 5-HTP. It should not be combined with antidepressants.

5-HTP Fact Sheet
5-HTP Potential Drug Interactions

  • Diet
Reduce your intake of sweets
Sweets temporarily make you feel good as blood sugar levels soar, but may worsen mood later on when they plummet.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol both dampen mood. Alcohol temporarily relaxes us and caffeine boosts energy, but the effects of both are short-lived. Both can worsen mood swings, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is needed to produce the mood-enhancing neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Although deficiency of vitamin B6 is rare, a borderline deficiency may occur in people taking oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, and drugs for tuberculosis.

Most people do not get enough magnesium in their diets. Good sources of magnesium are legumes, nuts, whole grains and green vegetables. Like vitamin B6, magnesium is needed for serotonin production. Stress depletes magnesium.

  • Exercise
Regular exercise is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to improve mood.

Exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, releases mood-elevating chemicals in the brain and can decrease stress hormones.

One of the best options to bust the blues is taking a brisk walk outside each morning for at least 30 minutes five days a week.

But what's important is that you choose something you enjoy and will stick with, whether it's going to the gym, signing up for dance classes, playing tennis, or gardening.

  • Light Therapy
Getting enough sunlight has been shown to be effective for seasonal mood changes that happen in the darker winter months.

Exposure to light in the morning helps the body's sleep/wake cycle work properly. Production of serotonin, a brain chemical that key in influencing our mood, is turned on in the morning upon exposure to light. During the winter when there is less sunlight, serotonin levels can drop, making us feel tired and prone to seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

One of the most simple ways to increase your exposure to light is to walk outdoors in the morning. Just be sure to use sunscreen to protect your skin from ultraviolet light.

Another option is to use special lights that simulate natural daylight. Studies have found they are effective.

These lights can be found online. There are different types available, from light boxes to visors, that are typically used for 20-30 minutes a day. Look for lights with a minimum of 3,000 lux. many experts suggest 10,000 lux.

Although they are rather expensive ranging from $150 to $500, they may be covered by insurance.

Source: About.Com

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Friday 19 August 2011

Natural Remedies For Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex virus Type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2). The Type I virus is the same one that causes cold sores on the mouth, face, and lips, although it can also cause sores on the genitals. The Type II virus, however, most often causes sores on the genitals.

How You Get Genital Herpes

Herpes can spread to the genitals from a cold sore if hand washing and other hygiene precautions are not taken. Or, it can be spread though oral or genital sexual contact. And be warned: The virus does not have to be in an active state -- that is, blisters do not have to be present--for a partner to become infected. The virus can also be passed during the preactive state, when there is itching or tingling in the area in which the sores generally appear. Sometimes, the virus can be passed along before the infected person is even aware that the virus is being shed. What's more, saliva also carries the virus!


The first episode usually starts within a couple weeks of exposure, and the initial onset can be pretty bad, including an initial round and then a second round of painful sores, flulike symptoms, fever, and swollen glands. Sometimes the symptoms are mild, however, and appear as little more than insect bites or a rash.

Once you have genital herpes, you have it for life. Luckily, it spends most of its life, and yours, dormant. But like cold sores, genital herpes recurs, often up to four or five times a year. There are a few home remedies that can help you through an episode, however. Head over to the next page to learn more.

Baking soda

Using a cotton ball, pat baking soda on the sores to dry them out and decrease itching. Just be careful not to double dip: You don't want to contaminate the unused baking soda.


This also can help dry out the sores and help alleviate itching. Use a cotton ball that's been dipped in cornstarch and dust it onto the sores.


Eat well to boost your immune system.

Peppermint Tea

A nice cup of peppermint tea may help reduce pain and fever.


Place a cold wet tea bag right on the sores. Tannic acid can soothe genital tissues. Throw away the tea bag afterward.


To reduce pain and itching, apply ice to the sores. Fill a plastic bag with crushed ice or use a bag of frozen peas. Wrap the bag in material the thickness of a sheet. Apply for 10 or 15 minutes, and repeat several times a day. Be careful about the time because prolonged exposure to ice can cause tissue damage.


For pain relief and to promote healing, soak cotton balls in milk and apply to the area.

Do's and Don'ts

Do's and Don'ts for treating genital herpes at home:

  • Don't depend on a condom to protect you or your partner. They help, but they may not cover the entire area. Viral shedding may also occur in the infected area, making the spread of the disease to a sexual partner easy, even if protection is used. Be sure to use a latex or vinyl condom between outbreaks.
  • Don't wear tight-fitting pants or underwear.
  • Shower, don't soak in the tub. Shedding virus can escape into the water.
Source: Discovery Fit & Health

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Sunday 7 August 2011

Traditional Aphrodisiacs

We thought you may be interested in some facts on aphrodisiacs. So here are just some of the so called aphrodisiacs that you may or may not have heard of.

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"An aphrodisiac is an agent which increases sexual arousal. The name comes from the Greek goddess of Sensuality Aphrodite."

Here are some so called aphrodisiacs that you may or may not have heard of:

Ashwaganda - also known as Indian ginseng, Winter cherry, Ajagandha, Kanaje Hindi and Samm Al Ferakh, is a plant in Solanaceae or nightshade family. All parts of the plant are used in herbal medicine. The fresh roots are sometimes boiled in milk, prior to drying, in order to leach out undesirable constituents. The berries are used as a substitute for rennet, to coagulate milk in cheese making. It has been also used for sexual vitality, an aphrodisiac, and as an adaptogen.

Asparagus - Asparagus is very low in calories, and is a calorie negative food due to the amounts of cellulose contained. Asparagus contains no fat or cholesterol, and is very low in sodium. Asparagus is a great source of potassium and fiber. Asparagus is also widely reputed to be an aphrodisiac maybe due to its phallic shape?

Chocolate - Romantics identify chocolate as an aphrodisiac. The reputed aphrodisiac qualities of chocolate are often associated with the simple sensual pleasure of its consumption. Chemicals found in chocolate, most notably phenethylamine, can act as mild sexual stimulants.

Damiana - A shrub native to Central and South America. The leaves have traditionally been made into a tea which was used by native people of Central and South America for its reputed aphrodisiac effects. The leaves of damiana are sometimes smoked for relaxation and for its mild psychoactive properties, described as similar to those of cannabis.

Eurycoma longifolia - A plant native to Indonesia and Malaysia that has become popular for its testosterone enhancing properties. It is included in certain herbal supplements for bodybuilders and has been used as a libido enhancer and to treat various sexual dysfunctions.

Ginkgo biloba - also known as the Maidenhair Tree. Ginkgo biloba was thought to be extinct, but is now known to grow wild in two small areas in Zhejiang province in eastern China. Ginkgo nuts are used in congee, served at occasions such as weddings and the Chinese New Year (Buddha's delight). In Chinese culture, they are believed to have health benefits - some also consider them to have aphrodisiac qualities.

Ginseng - A wide variety of ginseng is generally available in many Chinese or Korean herbal medicine shops. The rhizome is taken orally as an adaptogen, aphrodisiac, stimulant, and in the treatment of type II diabetes, including sexual dysfunction in men.

Kava - (Piper methysticum) is an ancient crop of the western Pacific. The word kava is used to refer both to the plant and the beverage produced from it. Kava may be effective in the treatment of ovarian cancer and leukemia. Kava is used as a religious and visionary herb and an aphrodisiac.

Maca - an important traditional food and medicinal plant in its growing region, the high Andes of Peru. It is regarded as a highly nutritious food and as a medicine that enhances strength and endurance and acts as an aphrodisiac.

Mama Juana - a drink made from allowing rum, red wine, and honey to soak into a bottle together with tree bark and herbs. It is advertised as an aphrodisiac.

Oysters - are often cited as an aphrodisiac. According to a  research team they are rich in rare amino acids that trigger increased levels of sex hormones. A joking theory states, "If you can get a woman to eat a raw oyster, you can get her to do anything!

Yohimbe - is used for dilating the pupil of the eye, and has been used to treat erectile dysfunction. It is claimed to be an aphrodisiac. It is also used as a weight loss supplement as it increases noradrenaline (norepinephrine) levels. Studies suggest that it is not a particularly effective treatment for impotence, and evidence of increased sex drive (libido) is anecdotal only.

Eringoes (the Sea holly, Eryngium maritimum) - is a species of Eryngium in the plant family Apiaceae and native to most European coastlines. The protected dune plant grows to a height of 20 to 60cm and although widespread it is considered endangered. In Elizabethan times in England, these plants were believed to a strong aphrodisiac.

Potatoes - In olden times were ruputed to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Herbalists insisted that the potato could cure everything from diarrhea to tuberculosis. People in Shakespeare's time viewed the potato as an aphrodisiac and labeled them "Apples of Love."

Spanish fly (Cantharidin) - Spanish fly is actually the dried, crushed body of the green blister beetle known as Cantharis Vesicatoria. Spanish fly, or cantharides, is often given to farm animals to incite them to mating. Cantharides are illegal in the United States, except for use in animal husbandry. Some internet or mail order suppliers of sex stimulants advertise such products like "Herbal Spanish fly", "Mexican Spanish Fly", or "Spanish Fly Potion". Most of these products are simply cayenne pepper in capsules, sometimes blended with the powder of ginseng, kelp, ginger or gotu kola. Research done in 1996 by the FDA shows that the drug has no so-called sexual effects.

Rhinoceros Horn - Contrary to popular belief, the Chinese do not use rhino horn as an aphrodisiac - a few tribes in the north of India are practically the only people who use rhino horn as an aphrodisiac. Rhino horn is said to make men sexually unstoppable.

Tiger penis - The tiger penis is much revered as an aphrodisiac in China, Taiwan and South Korea. The price of soup made from the supposed aphrodisiac, tiger penises, can reach $350 a bowl.

Turtle eggs - eaten raw with salt and lime juice, are said to be an aphrodisiac.

Truffles - The Greeks and the Romans considered the rare Truffle to be an aphrodisiac. The musky scent is said to stimulate and sensitize the skin to touch.

Fish Milt - is the seminal fluid of fish, mollusks, and certain other water-dwelling animals who reproduce by spraying milt onto roe (fish eggs).

Sea Cucumber - The sea cucumber is an echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea, with an elongated body and leathery skin, which is found on the sea floor worldwide. Sea cucumbers are an important food source in many parts of the world, known as trepang, and have renowned aphrodisiac properties.

See how many calories you burn having sex

To put a damper on aphrodisiacs medical science has not substantiated claims that any particular food increases sexual desire or performance. However a fairly new drug called Bremelanotide seems to be the first real aphrodisiac. Its effect stimulates sexual desire in men and women, and clinical trials are currently testing it for the treatment of sexual arousal disorder and erectile dysfunction.

Source: Disabled World

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Friday 29 July 2011

Natural Remedies To Increase Thyroid Function

When we see symptoms like cold hands and feet, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, a feeling of always being chilled, headaches, sleeplessness, coarse skin, swollen eyes, loss of hair, fragile nails, joint aches, constipation, mental tedium, fatigue, repeated infections, croaky voice, ringing in the ears, dizziness, loss of libido, or uncontrollable weight gain, we hardly associate them with any thyroid dysfunction.

This, above all is the main reason behind thyroid diseases like hypothyroidism being amongst the most under diagnosed diseases. There are convincing indications that thyroid diseases are assuming alarming proportions in lot many countries without people being aware of it. The worst part is that the laboratory blood tests too lead to confusion, as even normal levels of hormone balance are not definite indications of absence of thyroid dysfunction.

There is usually a hidden fear that makes a majority of people avoid clinical investigation since they do not want to undergo hormonal thyroid medications. The irony is that the thyroid treatmentcan be as simple as a regulated change in diet. Although the matter needs more research, it is generally accepted that diet plays a significant role in thyroid health.

The advance in industrialization, corporate farming, and mass produced foods has changed our diet, which is extremely different from what the older generation ate. We consume refined sugars and grains in large quantities, which are detrimental to proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Chemical pollutants, fluoride that is used in toothpaste and water treatment, too contribute towards diminishing thyroid function.

Expeller pressed or solvent extracted oils have become so popular that it is practically impossible to eat in a restaurant or buy packaged foods that do not use soy oil. Such polyunsaturated oils block secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland. A thyroid hormone deficient body cannot produce protective hormones like progesterone and is therefore susceptible to an increase in cholesterol levels.

Complex thyroid medications are necessary when a thyroid disease is diagnosed but if proper care about what is consumed thyroid dysfunction can be avoided. A good diet can go a long way in keeping your thyroid in a healthy condition.

Treatment of thyroid malfunction can be done by choosing natural thyroid medication, a regime that involves a thyroid friendly diet augmented with natural hormone supplements.

Alternative thyroid treatments include diet regulation, homoeopathic remedies and herbs that have a proven track record to support their effectiveness in thyroid treatment.

The list of home remedies, herbs, and natural thyroid medication is long. Though not an exhaustive list, some of the suggestions are:


* Shilajeet-Asphaltum puniabiunum – Described as India ‘s wonder drug, it contains 85 minerals in ionic form and fulvic acid.

* Kanchanara – Bauhinia veriegata (purple mountain ebony): Specific herb for keeping the thyroid healthy.

* Bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) – An exceptional source of mineral iodine, necessary for proper functioning of the thyroid.

* Licorice - Primarily for overall glandular balancing and for building energy levels.


* Coconut oil holds a great promise for thyroid health, as it is a saturated fat largely made up of medium chain fatty acids or triglycerides and is know to increase the metabolism rate and encourage weight loss.

* Your diet should contain healthy foods such as vegetable juices, unrefined sea salt.

Source: The Natural Beat

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Saturday 9 July 2011

Natural Remedies For Insomnia

Insomnia can be a burden in so many ways It can make sleeping very difficult for you.

Insomnia can be a burden in so many ways. It can make sleeping very difficult for you. Or it can wake you up in the middle of the night, just when you almost thought you are going to have a good night sleep. Insomnia can also force you to wake up so early in the morning, after realizing you only have three hour''s worth of rest. There are a lot of reasons why people develop insomnia. Stress, wrong diet, anxiety, depression, and other personal issues are often the culprits. It''s a good thing that many herbal remedies can be used to treat insomnia. And these remedies can bring back your regular sleeping cycle in the most natural way.

To treat insomnia, herbs such as California poppy are highly recommended. This herb can act as a sedative, allowing you to sleep peacefully at night. Regular intake of California poppy can promote a good night''s sleep all the time.

Like California poppy, chamomile has mild sedative properties as well. Just make yourself a warm cup of chamomile tea a few hours before going to bed. That should relax your mind and your muscles, allowing you to sleep as easily as you should.

Alternately, you can use hops instead of chamomile. Hops tea is also good for relaxing the body. It promotes a peaceful sleep while easing away your indigestion problems. A common reason why people fail to sleep well at night is because their digestive system gets overworked from processing the food they have eaten during the day. This is why doctors often ask insomnia patients not to eat hours before going to sleep.

Oat straw is another good herb to whisk away insomnia. It works inside the body, more particularly in the nervous system. It soothes the nervous system''s functions while nourishing the nerves, brain, and the spinal cord. Ask an herbalist on how you can possibly use oat straw for insomnia.

Other herbs such as kava, passionflower, lemon balm, rooibos, skullcap, valerian, and St. John''s Worth are also proven effective against insomnia. All of them promote the relaxation necessary for a good night''s sleep. They work by easing the muscles and relieving body pains in the process. Most of these herbal remedies can also address inflammations and muscle spasms.

More herbal remedies for Insomnia:

  • Poppy Treatment.
California poppy is an herb that can effectively work as an anti-stimulant. As such, it can easily promote sleep in a person. Take California poppy tincture or extract every night before going to sleep. This will help you get your forty winks in no time.

  • Insomnia and Oat straw.
 Oat straw nourishes and soothes the entire nervous system. Its mild sedative effects can effectively lull you into sleep. Oat seeds can be used alternately with oat straw as they have the same benefits on the body.

  • Yarrow for Insomnia.
Yarrow flowers have a lot of herbal uses. It can aid insomniac patients by acting as a mild tranquilizer. Yarrow can easily be obtained from any garden, usually as an unwanted weed. Currently, yarrow is available as tea blends, tea, capsules, and tablets. Take any one of these whenever necessary.

  • Chamomile Remedy for Insomnia.
Chamomile is a fragrant herb that can induce sleep. Its aromatic properties can get you into deep slumber fast. Its mild sedative properties get into work a few minutes after taking it.
Drink chamomile tea every night as a treatment for chronic insomnia.

  • Passionflower Treatment for Insomnia.
Passionflower helps relax the muscles. It is the perfect cure for insomnia due to stress and anxiety. It helps promotes sleep with just a small dosage. Take warm passionflower tea before sleeping for optimum relief from insomnia.

Take a dose of these herbs on a regular basis. That way, you will be able to break free from insomnia and all the discomfort it brings. You don''t have to deal with insomnia all your life. Let these suggested herbal remedies for insomnia lead you towards recovery.

Source: The Free Library

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Monday 6 June 2011

Natural Remedies For Menopause

Finding a menopause natural treatment is not as challenging as it once was. Today, backed by countless studies, women are starting to embrace the fact that herbs and vitamins are a viable and safe alternative to hormone replacement therapy. There are tons of options for you now... herbs are now accepted and embraced as viable options for treating menopause symptoms.

It's time you take charge of your life again. Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, anxiety, and depression can all be managed with proper supplementation. Trials show that approximately 80% of women who employ herbal remedies describe there effects as 'good or better'. They are affordable and considerably less dangerous than hormone replacement therapy... Natural treatments are definitely worth a shot.

So what menopause natural treatment is right for you?

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 should be taken according to the directions on the label... it's probably going to be between 30-100 mg. If you are going to go higher than that you should really talk to your doctor about it. It is currently the third most sold supplement in the United States behind regular Multivitamins and fish oil. It's so popular... because it's really good for you! Taking it can be super helpful for menopause symptoms.

Taking Coenzyme Q10 will help support your immune system in the detoxification of a bunch of dangerous substances and toxins. It will also help streamline your metabolism, ease depression and fatigue, increase energy, and improve your physical and mental processes. It's all around really healthy... and should be taken by everyone.

Asiatic Dogwood

Many cultures use Asiatic Dogwood to treat menopause symptoms. It is mostly found and cultivated in Asia. Asiatic Dogwood helps your body combat many menopause symptoms... as it is a natural and potent antioxidant with diuretic effects. Asiatic Dogwood also is a great antibacterial and antifungal agent.

When you take Asiatic Dogwood it tends to act as a natural sedative and diuretic. It is important for your production of estrogen and it tends to help with hot flashes.


Rehmannia is another herb that is traditionally used in Asia for its restorative abilities. It is often used in healing bones and restoring muscle and flesh. It has also been found to be super effective in stopping swelling and inflammation. Rehmannia is also very effective in balancing your estrogen levels. These properties make it a great menopause natural treatment to consider taking when battling with menopause symptoms.

Source: ezinearticles

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Friday 3 June 2011

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Also known as: Hypertension

According to the American Heart Association, nearly one in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure. But nearly one-third of those people don't know they have high blood pressure, because it's a silent disease. People can have high blood pressure for years without experiencing symptoms or knowing they have it.

The upper or first number in a blood pressure reading is the systolic pressure and the lower or second number is called the diastolic pressure. According to National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines:

  • Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mmHg.
  • Prehypertension is systolic pressure that's between 120 to 139 or diastolic pressure between 80 and 89.
  • Stage 1 hypertension is systolic pressure between 140 to 159 or diastolic pressure between 90 and 99.
  • Stage 2 hypertension is systolic pressure higher than 160 or diastolic pressure of 100 or higher.

High Blood Pressure Symptoms

High blood pressure usually doesn't cause any symptoms in the early stages. Symptoms associated with high blood pressure can include:

  •     Dizziness or dizzy spells
  •     Headache
  •     Nosebleeds

Causes of High Blood Pressure

In most cases of high blood pressure, the American Heart Association says there is no one identifiable cause. This kind of high blood pressure is called primary hypertension or essential hypertension. It is usually a combination of factors, such as:

  •     Weight. The greater your body mass, the more pressure there is on your artery walls. That's because more blood is produced to supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues in your body.
  •     Activity level. Lack of physical activity tends to increase heart rate, which forces your heart to work harder with each contraction.
  •     Tobacco use. Chemicals in cigarettes and tobacco can damage artery walls.
  •     Sodium intake. Excessive sodium in the diet can result in fluid retention and high blood pressure, especially in people sensitive to sodium.
  •     Potassium intake. Low potassium can result in elevated sodium in cells, because the two balance one another.
  •     Stress. Stress can raise blood pressure.
  •     Alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol intake can, over time, increase the risk of heart disease.
  •     Age. The risk of high blood pressure increases as you get older.
  •     Family history. High blood pressure often runs in families.
High blood pressure can also be caused by an underlying condition, such as kidney disease, hormonal disorders, thyroid disease, adrenal gland disease, and the use of certain drugs, such as oral contraceptives, or herbs such as licorice. This type of high blood pressure is called secondary hypertension.

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Lifestyle changes and natural remedies may help to control high blood pressure, but your doctor may also recommend medication to lower high blood pressure. It is important to work with your doctor, because untreated high blood pressure may damage organs in the body and increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, brain hemorrhage, kidney disease, and vision loss. See a drawing of a hypertensive heart.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

There is some evidence that the supplement CoQ10 may help to reduce high blood pressure. A 12 week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 83 people with systolic hypertension examined the effect of CoQ10 supplements (60 mg twice daily). After the 12 weeks, there was a mean reduction in systolic blood pressure of 17.8 mm Hg in the Coq10-treated group.

Another study conducted at the University of Western Australia looked at the effect of CoQ10 on blood pressure and glycemic control in 74 people with type 2 diabetes. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either 100mg CoQ10 twice daily, 200mg of the drug fenfibrate, both, or neither for 12 weeks.

CoQ10 significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure(mean reduction 6.1 mm Hg and 2.9 mm Hg respectively). There was also a reduction in HbA1C, a marker for long-term glycemic control.
To learn more about CoQ10, read the Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) fact sheet.

In a meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials of garlic supplements, three trials showed a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure and four in diastolic blood pressure. Researchers concluded that garlic powder supplement may be of clinical use in patients with mild high blood pressure.

Garlic supplements should only be used under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner. Garlic can thin the blood (reduce the ability of blood to clot) similar to aspirin. Garlic may interact with many drugs and supplements such as the prescription drugs such as Coumadin (warfarin) or Trental (pentoxifylline), aspirin, vitamin E, gingko. It is usually recommended that people taking garlic stop in the weeks before and after any type of surgery.

Hawthorn (Crataegus)

The herb hawthorn is often used by traditional herbal practitioners for high blood pressure.

In a randomized controlled trial conducted by researchers in Reading, UK, 79 patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized to receive either 1200 mg of hawthorn extract a day or placebo for 16 weeks. Medication for high blood pressure was used by 71 percent of the patients.

At the end of the 16 weeks, patients taking the hawthorn supplement had a significant reduction in mean diastolic blood pressure (2.6 mm Hg). No herb-drug interactions were reported.

Fish oil

Preliminary studies suggest that fish oil may have a modest effect on high blood pressure. Although fish oil supplements often contain both DHA (docohexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), there is some evidence that DHA is the ingredient that lowers high blood pressure. Learn more about fish oil.

Folic acid

Folate is a B vitamin necessary for formation of red blood cells. It may help to lower high blood pressure in some people, possibly by reducing elevated homocysteine levels.

One small study of 24 cigarette smokers found that four weeks of folic acid supplementation significantly lowered blood pressure. Learn more about folic acid.


Changing your diet is an important part of lowering high blood pressure. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is promoted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Insitutes of Health (NIH).

The DASH diet includes fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, beans and nuts. Sodium is limited to 2,400 mg per day.

Studies have found that the DASH diet can reduce high blood pressure within two weeks. These are the daily guidelines of the DASH diet:

7 to 8 servings of grains
4 to 5 servings of vegetables
4 to 5 servings of fruit
2 to 3 servings of low-fat or non-fat dairy
2 or less servings of meat, fish, or poultry
2 to 3 servings of fats and oils
4 to 5 servings per week of nuts, seeds, and dry beans
Less than 5 servings a week of sweets

Serving Sizes
1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta
1 slice bread
1 cup raw vegetables or fruit
1/2 cup cooked vegetables or fruit
8 oz. of milk
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 ounces cooked meat
3 ounces tofu

A related diet called the DASH-Sodium reduces sodium to 1,500 mg a day, which is approximately equal to 2/3 teaspoon from all sources (processed and canned foods contain hidden salt).

Patients following the DASH-Sodium diet had a significant reduction in high blood pressure.

More: The Salt Wars: Is Salt Restriction Necessary?
Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium

Calcium. Calcium supplementation appears to have a modest but statistically significiant reduction in systolic blood pressure (mean difference of 2.5 mm Hg), however better quality studies are needed. Learn more about getting enough calcium in your diet.

Potassium. A meta-analysis of five trials indicated that potassium supplementation compared to a control resulted in a large but statistically non-significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (mean difference 11.2 mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure (5.0 mm hg). Learn about potassium in the diet and find out which foods have potassium.

Magnesium. In 12 randomized controlled trials, participants receiving magnesium supplements did not have a significantly reduction in systolic blood pressure, but they did have a statistically signicantly reduction in diastolic blood pressure (mean difference 2.2 mm Hg). Read more about magnesium in the diet.

Mind-Body Interventions

Mind-body interventions, particularly autogenic training, biofeedback, and yoga, have been found to modestly reduce high blood pressure compared with placebo.

Autogenic Training

Autogenic training is a technique used for stress reduction and relaxation. It involves a series of sessions in which people learn how to control breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature.

People learn six exercises that each involve a certain posture (e.g reclining in a chair), concentration without a goal, imagination, and verbal cues. Each exercise is learned by watching a teacher demonstrate it or by reading a description. It requires regular practice.


Biofeedback is a technique in which people learn how to gain control over internal body processes that normally occur involuntarily, such as blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and skin temperature.

Biofeedback is primarily used for high blood pressure, migraine, tension headache, chronic pain, and urinary incontinence.

Of the different types of biofeedback, thermal feedback (which measures skin temperature) and electrodermal activity feedback (which uses a probe that responds to sweat) may be more effective than direct blood pressure feedback or electromyography (EMG), which measures muscle tension. Learn more about biofeedback.


Preliminary studies have found that yoga may lower blood pressure. Go to the yoga resources page.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is an important part of the natural approach to lower high blood pressure. A meta-analysis of 105 trials involving a total of 6805 participants found that aerobic exercise was associated with a mean reduction in systolic blood pressure of 4.6 mm Hg, with corresponding reductions in diastolic blood pressure.

People with high blood pressure should speak with their doctor first before embarking on a new exercise program. Learn about the effect of exercise on blood pressure and the heart.

Ayurvedic Medicine

In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, high blood pressure is treated according to each person’s dosha, or constitutional type.

The pitta type may have a flushed face, red eyes, headaches, light sensitivity, irritability, and nosebleeds.

The kapha type may have excess weight, water retention, high cholesterol, sluggishness.

The vata type may feel cold, have gas, bloating, or constipation, insomnia, or nervousness, worry, or anxiety.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, high blood pressure is often attributed to a problem with the circulation of vital energy (qi) in the body. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that depression, anger, obesity, and high intake of fatty foods are some of the causative factors.

A combination of acupuncture and herbs is often recommended. Foods thought to have medicinal properties that may help high blood pressure include water chestnut, turnip, honey, Chinese celery, hawthorn berries, and mung beans.
Emotions also play a role in our health. Learn about emotions in traditional Chinese medicine.

Herbs and Supplements To Avoid

Herbs that have been found or suspected to cause high blood pressure include:
Asian Ginseng
Rosemary essential oil

Source: About.Com

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Friday 6 May 2011

Natural Remedies For Asthma

Asthma is a kind of respiratory disease affecting the bronchioles and the tracheal tubes, thus home remedy asthma Top 10 Home Remedies For Effective Asthma Treatment narrowing the air passage to the lungs. The amount of air reaching the lungs reduces, causing difficulty in breathing. Though it can attack at all ages, these days it is more prominent in young children. Treatment with drugs can provide you temporary relief but home made remedy is one thing that can help in improving the condition. Here is some handful of methods to prevent your asthma going out of control, that too by sitting at home only:

Have cinnamon powder, around a half tablespoon, along with honey before sleeping.

For quick relief, take eight to ten cloves of boiled garlic in half a cup of water.

A cup of water with one teaspoonful of soaked seeds of fenugreek when taken at night enhances the resistance power of the body against asthma.

Paste of bitter guard roots along with an equal amount of honey or juice of tulsi is also an instant remedy for curing asthma.

Another quick and easy remedy is to drink a cup of hot milk. If you boil some ginger in milk, it will be effective all the more. Ginger juice can also be taken with honey and water.

Try to inhale fumes of fennel oil which is boiling. In the same way, you can try breathing the steam of ajwain in boiling water. It can also be drunk twice or thrice a day daily.

An herb Gingko biloba, if taken regularly, can help in reducing the frequency attacks to an individual.

To fight out respiratory congestion make mullein oil in the form it daily and consume it regularly.

Take lemon squeezed in one glass of water with your meals.

There are certain vitamins which enhances the immune system of our body to fight against asthma. Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 helps in reducing the inflammation of the lungs. Vitamin C increases the amount of oxygen reaching our lungs. If exercising triggers your asthma, then increase the quantity of salt intake and take vitamin C one hour before you start exercising.

These home remedies will help to control the problem of asthma. If followed regularly, they can even help in curing the disease completely. They have no side- effects on the body, so can be done without any hovering fears.

Source: Buzzle

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Wednesday 6 April 2011

Natural Remedies For Weight Loss

Obesity and being overweight is dangerous as it gives rise to other diseases like heart ailments, diabetes, cancer, stroke and Alzheimer which are responsible for millions of deaths every year around the world. It is important that we eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy body weight. If you are overweight you should certainly make efforts to lose weight. There are several natural weight loss pills which you can take to start a natural weight loss program. It is also important that you don't starve yourself in your effort to lose weight and opt for a natural weight loss diet. You can get natural weight loss supplements which ensure all natural weight loss with no side effects. You can also try natural herbs for weight loss or herbal weight loss pills as natural remedies weight loss. Here are a few important tips for safe weight loss in a natural way.

Green Tea increases Metabolism

Green Tea is one of the best natural weight loss supplements as it contains essential natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds known as polyphenol catechins. This is helpful in increasing the Base Metabolic Rate in the body. An increase in the rate of metabolism results in continuous burning of calories at a faster rate and reduced fat storage which helps in weight loss.

Green Tea has other great benefits too as it modulates the effect of insulin which determines whether carbohydrate calories are stored as fat or burned for fuel. So Green Tea is great for diabetics as it also helps to keep glucose levels in cells. Green Tea can work wonders for a weight loss program when taken regularly with a balanced diet and regular fitness program.

Fish Oil aids Weight Loss

Fish has Omega-3 fats and fish oil which is known to support heart and brain health. Fish Oil is also an excellent natural weight loss supplements and helps in natural weight loss. Fish Oil has DHA which helps in making up the outer membrane of each cell. Regular supply of DHA from Fish Oil would mean that a healthy cell wall which helps in proper supply of oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body.

This helps the body cells work efficiently and works to prevent fatal diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's.  It is true that DHA helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body and assists in weight loss but a balanced diet is mandatory to get maximum benefits of DHA.

Source: HubPages

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Thursday 10 March 2011

11 Home Remedies For Migraine Headaches

Talk about gender bias.

Three out of four of the nearly 30 million Americans who suffer from migraines are women.

The reason may have to do with a woman’s menstrual cycle, but triggers can also include alcohol, weather changes, stress, food and lack of sleep, said Dr. Brian Grosberg, assistant professor of neurology and director of Inpatient Headache Program at Montefiore Headache Center in Bronx, N.Y.

Nonetheless, there are therapies you can try at home to relieve your migraine pain, Grosberg said.

And the best thing about these remedies? They aren't gender-specific.

1. Drink water

“Dehydration can be a big cause of headaches,” Grosberg said.

2. Drink caffeine

Caffeine is a double-edged sword – it can help and hinder headaches.

“Caffeine can restrict blood vessels, it can lessen pain, it’s a constituent of some pain over-the-counter pain medicines, but it can also trigger headaches for some people,” Grosberg said. “If someone uses caffeine excessively, it can cause a rebound headache, making existing headaches worse.”

3. Tying a headband around the head

Grosberg said this is a practice that's been done since ancient times, and he’s not sure how it came about, but some people claim it works.

4. Fish oil

Enthusiasts claim that fish oil reduces inflammation and works by restricting the blood vessels in your temples. Grosberg said there's no sound evidence, but he recommends trying it.

5. Peppermint oil

Rub it on the part of your head that hurts.

“There’s been no literature to support this, but again, people say it works,” Grosberg said.

6. Eat ginger or take ginger capsules

“No one really knows how this works either,” Grosberg said. “It clearly reduces nausea, but other than that ..."

7. Magnesium

Grosberg said this has been studied and when taken in doses of 400 to 600 milligrams per day, magnesium is effective for menstrual-associated migraines and migraines associated with auras.

The downside: Magnesium may cause diarrhea, if you take too much, Grosberg said.

8. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

In doses of 400 milligrams a day, vitamin B2 can also act as a preventative for migraines, Grosberg said. It can cause some people to urinate more frequently or have darker urine, so the dosage may have to be adjusted.

9. CoEnzymeQ10

Grosberg said that taking 300 milligrams per day has proven to be effective in reducing head pain. The downside: It can be expensive.

10. Butterbur

The most effective "natural medicine," Grosberg said, is called butterbur, or petasites.

Butterbur is a plant grown in Germany, and extensive studies have proven that in pill form, it is very effective in treating migraine pain and asthma, as well as alleviate upset stomachs. Butterbur is safe, although it can only be ordered online.

11. Cold (or hot) compress

This is another remedy that no one knows why it works, but it some swear by it.

"It's hard to study something like that," Grosberg said. "It can have a placebo effect, or it can have a distracting effect on the patient. But a lot of patients swear by it."

Whether you try one or all of these at-home remedies, Grosberg said you should still keep a headache diary to monitor what works and what doesn't, and what triggers your headache. This will assist your doctor in treating you.

"Overall, the less medicines you take, the better," he added.

Source: Fox News

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Saturday 5 March 2011

Natural Remedies For Gout

Gout occurs when there is an excess of uric acid in the body and the kidneys cannot get rid of it effectively. The acid crystallizes into tiny sharp deposits like miniature needles. These collect in joints in the toes or feet but sometimes elsewhere such as earlobes, causing intense pain and inflammation. The first sign of an attack may in fact be a feverish feeling, before the joint swells. People who suffer from gout are, understandably, extremely bad tempered and undoubtedly resent the sniggers it causes. Pleasant Soothing herbal teas, a light diet and any entertainment guaranteed to keep the blood pressure down are the best answers although there are alternatives.

Aromatherapy - In an acute attack it is definitely not appropriate to massage the affected area - there is too much inflammation, Instead, use oils in cool or cold compresses to reduce the discomfort. For a detoxifying effect, try Cypress Fennel, Juniper, Lemon or Pine oils. These may also be used in the bath. As the swelling and inflammation reduce, perhaps switch to oils such as Lavender or Rosemary for inducing local warmth and flushing toxins out of the joints.

Herbalism - Take Celery Seed 2 to 3 cupfuls a day for acute attacks of gout and to encourage strongly the excretion of uric acid.

Uric acid may accumulate within the kidneys themselves, leading to kidney stones, which may have to be surgically removed. Generally speaking, all the advice for Arthritis will be applicable to gout.

An acute attack of gout is extremely painful and may require medical treatment. Try reducing food to a minimum but make sure to drink plenty of water, which will encourage removal of uric acid from the body.

Homeopathy - A couple of home remedies that often give some relief are -

Arnica: for repeated attacks of gout, especially affecting the big toe with hot, painful and very tender joints.

Rhus Tox: a versatile remedy for most rheumatic or arthritic problems.

Naturopathy - Use cold compresses to reduce the swelling, switching to hot/cold applications in the longer term to encourage better circulation around the joint. Increase vegetable intake, especially raw or juiced, for a more alkaline intake, and cut out cheese, red wine (in the short term all alcohol), red meats, coffee and strong tea. When the swelling and inflammation has subsided, increase exercise to maintain joint mobility.

Drink plenty of mineral or spring water to encourage kidney action. Pain can be eased with some of the herbs discussed above.

The best and most devious remedy for gout that I have heard of to date is that of advising the patient to get undressed in the early evening hours, swathe him or herself in blankets and sit in hot water up to the knees prior to retiring to bed before 10 o'clock.

Bran and vinegar poultice or tallow and garlic shared equal popularity with a thick covering of treacle or honey applied on a flannel cloth. However, the most highly prized infusion with which to bathe a gouty toe was made from meadow saffron which, in the language of flowers, means my best days are over - a message hardly conducive to improving the Gout patient's spirits.

Source: Home Remedies

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Thursday 17 February 2011

Herbal Remedies For Cancer

Scientists have mentioned that the principal reason of cancer is poisonous pollutants in the atmosphere. Cancer is a global concern. The World Health Organization has declared that discharge of ecological toxins act as key contributors to cancer. With immense development in science, researchers have found numerous treatments for curing cancer. Cancer is a disease that shows up due to growth of uncontrolled cells that usually attacks or sometimes causes metastasis. These three malignant properties of cancer distinguish themselves from benign tumors, which are limited, and do not assault or metastasize. Remarkably, there are herbal remedies for cancer that are available, even if very few know about it.

Mainly cancers form a tumor but some, like leukemia, does not turn into tumor. The field of medicine is anxious with the study, analysis, treatment, and anticipation of cancer. Cancer herbal treatment is becoming very effectual, and herbal remedies for cancer are now gaining in popularity. The battle against cancer is progressing and using herbs for cancer treatment is becoming more popular. Human body is very much complicated as well as powerful. It has immense power to heal cancer naturally. The human body is so multifaceted that it leaves scientists surprised at its incredible resilience.

Cancer is life-threatening disease that leaves a person with anxiety feelings throughout his lifetime. Medicated drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are various treatment of cancer. These therapies leave harsh impacts on your body. During chemotherapy, immune system badly gets affected, thus requires good nutrition to boost your immune system. The use of herbal remedies for cancer not only provides nutrition but also strengthens immune system. Herbal remedies are very much beneficial for the treatment of cancer. It cures the disease peacefully and leaves no negative effects on the body. The herbs useful for the treatment of cancer are as follows:


Garlic is herb that possesses anti-inflammatory, anti- fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitical, and anti-viral properties. The intake of garlic kills all kind of germs and bacteria in your body. Nutritionists have proved that consuming garlic helps in curing cancer. Individuals suffering from cancer should consume three to five cloves of raw garlic.

Garlic has been recommended to strengthen the muscles and tissues of the body. The small cloves of garlic that is yellowish in color is referred to inferior quality.


This herb is used from ancient times to cure cancer. Chaparral is a shrub, which is found extensively in the dessert of Mojave. An influential anti cancer herb, chaparral is an excellent liver tonic. Chaparral will wash out up any toxins that are hidden in your liver.

Limit the use of chaparral as excessive intake of this herb is dangerous for liver.

Red Clover:

Red Clover is yet one more useful herd that is used in herbal treatment for cancer.  A powerful anti cancer herb- red clover grows like a wild plant in many regions of the world. Red clover can be used as different forms such as, tincture, tea, or poultice form. The individual suffering from cancer should consume excessive red clover for better results. You need to utilize the flowers when they are still in rich purple color.

Poke Root:

Poke root is an enormously influential anti-tumor and anti-cancer herb that can exactly smolder a tumor. Poultices comprising poke root have been widely utilized by amazing natural healers melt exterior tumors. The tumors of breast cancer are perfect example.

This herb is counted as unsafe by the FDA, but natural healers consider it as one of the best herb for cancer treatment. Poke root is also a strong detoxification herb that helps in flushing out all harmful substance form the lymphatic system.


Echinacea is an excellent herb for motivating the immune system, which is very much essential to combat the cancerous cells. Echinacea generates an influential itchy and sometimes even anesthetizing feeling inside the mouth. Echinacea arrangements are so feeble that they will hardly assist you to battle with cold, so cancer is far. Thus, you should make your own formulations, or purchase a good quality Echinacea product.

Even though Echinacea is not an anti cancer herb according to herbal medicine, but it has strong immune boosting properties. Thus helps in any cancer battle as a strong weapon against cancerous cells.

Source: Herbs Online

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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Natural Remedies For Male Impotence

Male impotence is also called as erectile dysfunction. Male impotence affects ten million men in the United States alone. Treatments for this dysfunction are extensively available. Among those the most effective treatment is herbal medicine. There are many factors affecting the cause of male impotence. Most of them are physical and some of them are psychological. These causes include:

  • Hypertension
  • Heavy smoking
  • Kidney and liver failure
  • Hormone abnormalities
  • Diseases affecting the erectile tissues of the penis
  • Diabetes
  • Excessive drainage of blood from the penis
  • Deficient blood flow to the penis
  • Side effects of drugs, especially sedative, tranquilizer, ulcer and high blood pressure medications
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Stroke and neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis
  • Adequate alcohol and drug abuse
  • Damage to the nerves around the penis
  • Oats, and probably damiana and valerian, help counter depression, which can be a cause of impotence

To deal with male erectile dysfunction, there exist literally hundreds of possible cures in alternative and folk medicine. Among those, herbal medicine is the most effective cure.

Sometimes herbal medicine is not always successful by themselves, they are helpful when combined with other holistic therapies. Some of those therapies are acupuncture, relaxation techniques and massage therapies.
An effective treatment for male impotence is herbal medicine. Some of those are:


This herbal medicine is the first aphrodisiac. It stimulates sexual desire and is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Horny goat weed (also know as Epimedium, Rowdy Lamb Herb, Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat, Fairy Wings, or Yin Yang Huo (Chinese: 淫羊藿):

Horny goat weed is the most popular herbal medicine. It provides an effective treatment for male impotence. This herbal medicine is based on Chinese traditional medicine and it contains the same kind of chemical from which Viagra is made.


Garlic helps your body to react with nitric acid, which is important in maintaining an erection.

Gingko Biloba:

Gingko mainly improves the vascular functions of your body. It increases the blood flow and release in the penis as well. If you take gingko for at least six months, it shows improvement in your ability to achieve and maintain an erection.


It is generally available in many Chinese herbal medicine shops. The rhizome if taken orally acts as an aphrodisiac, stimulant, adaptogen, and in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Yohimbe root:

Yohimbe is a standard herbal medicine and is approved by the FDA for the treatment of impotence. It is claimed to be an aphrodisiac. Yohimbine is an extract from Yohimbe, and it has proven effective in treating erectile dysfunction.

Aphrodisiac foods acts as herbal medicine and are more effectively used to treat erectile dysfunction. Some of them are:

  • Chocolate
  • Fish milt
  • Oysters
  • Pine nuts
  • Potatoes
  • Sea cucumber
  • Tomatoes
  • Turtle eggs
Source: Alternative Medicine Zone

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