Thursday 17 February 2011

Herbal Remedies For Cancer

Scientists have mentioned that the principal reason of cancer is poisonous pollutants in the atmosphere. Cancer is a global concern. The World Health Organization has declared that discharge of ecological toxins act as key contributors to cancer. With immense development in science, researchers have found numerous treatments for curing cancer. Cancer is a disease that shows up due to growth of uncontrolled cells that usually attacks or sometimes causes metastasis. These three malignant properties of cancer distinguish themselves from benign tumors, which are limited, and do not assault or metastasize. Remarkably, there are herbal remedies for cancer that are available, even if very few know about it.

Mainly cancers form a tumor but some, like leukemia, does not turn into tumor. The field of medicine is anxious with the study, analysis, treatment, and anticipation of cancer. Cancer herbal treatment is becoming very effectual, and herbal remedies for cancer are now gaining in popularity. The battle against cancer is progressing and using herbs for cancer treatment is becoming more popular. Human body is very much complicated as well as powerful. It has immense power to heal cancer naturally. The human body is so multifaceted that it leaves scientists surprised at its incredible resilience.

Cancer is life-threatening disease that leaves a person with anxiety feelings throughout his lifetime. Medicated drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are various treatment of cancer. These therapies leave harsh impacts on your body. During chemotherapy, immune system badly gets affected, thus requires good nutrition to boost your immune system. The use of herbal remedies for cancer not only provides nutrition but also strengthens immune system. Herbal remedies are very much beneficial for the treatment of cancer. It cures the disease peacefully and leaves no negative effects on the body. The herbs useful for the treatment of cancer are as follows:


Garlic is herb that possesses anti-inflammatory, anti- fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitical, and anti-viral properties. The intake of garlic kills all kind of germs and bacteria in your body. Nutritionists have proved that consuming garlic helps in curing cancer. Individuals suffering from cancer should consume three to five cloves of raw garlic.

Garlic has been recommended to strengthen the muscles and tissues of the body. The small cloves of garlic that is yellowish in color is referred to inferior quality.


This herb is used from ancient times to cure cancer. Chaparral is a shrub, which is found extensively in the dessert of Mojave. An influential anti cancer herb, chaparral is an excellent liver tonic. Chaparral will wash out up any toxins that are hidden in your liver.

Limit the use of chaparral as excessive intake of this herb is dangerous for liver.

Red Clover:

Red Clover is yet one more useful herd that is used in herbal treatment for cancer.  A powerful anti cancer herb- red clover grows like a wild plant in many regions of the world. Red clover can be used as different forms such as, tincture, tea, or poultice form. The individual suffering from cancer should consume excessive red clover for better results. You need to utilize the flowers when they are still in rich purple color.

Poke Root:

Poke root is an enormously influential anti-tumor and anti-cancer herb that can exactly smolder a tumor. Poultices comprising poke root have been widely utilized by amazing natural healers melt exterior tumors. The tumors of breast cancer are perfect example.

This herb is counted as unsafe by the FDA, but natural healers consider it as one of the best herb for cancer treatment. Poke root is also a strong detoxification herb that helps in flushing out all harmful substance form the lymphatic system.


Echinacea is an excellent herb for motivating the immune system, which is very much essential to combat the cancerous cells. Echinacea generates an influential itchy and sometimes even anesthetizing feeling inside the mouth. Echinacea arrangements are so feeble that they will hardly assist you to battle with cold, so cancer is far. Thus, you should make your own formulations, or purchase a good quality Echinacea product.

Even though Echinacea is not an anti cancer herb according to herbal medicine, but it has strong immune boosting properties. Thus helps in any cancer battle as a strong weapon against cancerous cells.

Source: Herbs Online

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