Wednesday 2 February 2011

Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Anxiety can be simply defined as both - physiological as well as a psychological disorder, mainly due to emotions, behavior and the cognitive aspects or components. It can occur in people without any stimulus experienced by the body, and is considered as a counter reaction to stress. The anxiety symptoms are fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, nausea, palpitations of the heart, sweating, panic attacks (in some cases), restlessness etc. The aim of homeopathic remedies for anxiety is to allow the natural healing of the body by the intake of very dilute substances. A proper homeopathy remedy for anxiety is prescribed by the homeopathic doctors after studying the case in detail. Now, let us know about the homeopathic remedies for anxiety.

Useful Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety

Calcarea Carbonica
The Calcarea Carbonica homeopathic remedies for anxiety is generally prescribed to those people who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown or are overwhelmed due to the various physical illnesses. Confusion in mind and thoughts, constant worrying, claustrophobia, being afraid of heights, fatigue and sluggish are the experiences of people with anxiety, which can be cured with homeopathic remedy like Calcarea Carbonica.

Aconitum Napellus
The homeopathic remedies for anxiety like Aconitum Napellus are prescribed to those who suffer from panic attacks, due to extreme fear. The fear may be due to different reasons - it can be due to fear of death and fear of falling seriously ill from fever or cold. This remedy, according to researchers, helps to deal with palpitations and shortness of breath which are the symptoms of anxiety.

Argentum Nitricum
The Argentum Nitricum homeopathic remedy for anxiety is given to those people who are tensed, feel uneasy and anxious before important and decisive events in their life such as public speaking, giving an interview or writing the examination paper. Apart from experiencing diarrhea and feeling dizzy, the people who are prescribed Argentum Nitricum have peculiar impulses as well as thoughts.

Arsenicum Album
Arsenicum Album is one of the best homeopathic remedies for anxiety for those people who keep worrying about their health and also about some other things such as their security, well being and also of the law and order. People who are very restless, anxious and constantly moving from one place to the other, face the problems like severe attacks of asthma and panic attacks at night or during the early hours of the morning, may be given the Arsenicum Album homeopathic remedy.

Natrum Muriaticum
The Natrum Muriaticum is another one amongst the good homeopathic remedies for anxiety for people who experience extreme emotions such as fear apart from other feelings such as loneliness, shyness, staying aloof and reserved, migraines, claustrophobia, sleep deprivation and night fears.

Silicea is a homeopathic remedy for anxiety for those people whose personality traits include getting nervous and being low on confidence levels and facing concentration problems, when they have to do important tasks - which may be related to academics, jobs or a business. Overreacting to minor or small things, having low stamina, headaches, cold, fever, sore throat and shyness are other characteristics of such people. These people face the above mentioned problems even though, in most of the cases they are intelligent and very capable of doing their tasks successfully. For more on anxiety cures, refer to:

Anti Anxiety Natural Remedies
Controlling Anxiety and Depression
How to Deal with Anxiety

Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety in Children

The following are the homeopathic remedies for anxiety in children:

Kali Bromatum
Ignatia amara
Agaricus muscarius
K-OK Kiddie Calmer

Many homeopaths prescribe homeopathic remedies for anxiety such as Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Lycopodium and Gelsemium as per the requirement. Thus, we can conclude stating that, the role played by homeopathy in curing anxiety related problems, is significant!

Source: Buzzle

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