Friday 29 July 2011

Natural Remedies To Increase Thyroid Function

When we see symptoms like cold hands and feet, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, a feeling of always being chilled, headaches, sleeplessness, coarse skin, swollen eyes, loss of hair, fragile nails, joint aches, constipation, mental tedium, fatigue, repeated infections, croaky voice, ringing in the ears, dizziness, loss of libido, or uncontrollable weight gain, we hardly associate them with any thyroid dysfunction.

This, above all is the main reason behind thyroid diseases like hypothyroidism being amongst the most under diagnosed diseases. There are convincing indications that thyroid diseases are assuming alarming proportions in lot many countries without people being aware of it. The worst part is that the laboratory blood tests too lead to confusion, as even normal levels of hormone balance are not definite indications of absence of thyroid dysfunction.

There is usually a hidden fear that makes a majority of people avoid clinical investigation since they do not want to undergo hormonal thyroid medications. The irony is that the thyroid treatmentcan be as simple as a regulated change in diet. Although the matter needs more research, it is generally accepted that diet plays a significant role in thyroid health.

The advance in industrialization, corporate farming, and mass produced foods has changed our diet, which is extremely different from what the older generation ate. We consume refined sugars and grains in large quantities, which are detrimental to proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Chemical pollutants, fluoride that is used in toothpaste and water treatment, too contribute towards diminishing thyroid function.

Expeller pressed or solvent extracted oils have become so popular that it is practically impossible to eat in a restaurant or buy packaged foods that do not use soy oil. Such polyunsaturated oils block secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland. A thyroid hormone deficient body cannot produce protective hormones like progesterone and is therefore susceptible to an increase in cholesterol levels.

Complex thyroid medications are necessary when a thyroid disease is diagnosed but if proper care about what is consumed thyroid dysfunction can be avoided. A good diet can go a long way in keeping your thyroid in a healthy condition.

Treatment of thyroid malfunction can be done by choosing natural thyroid medication, a regime that involves a thyroid friendly diet augmented with natural hormone supplements.

Alternative thyroid treatments include diet regulation, homoeopathic remedies and herbs that have a proven track record to support their effectiveness in thyroid treatment.

The list of home remedies, herbs, and natural thyroid medication is long. Though not an exhaustive list, some of the suggestions are:


* Shilajeet-Asphaltum puniabiunum – Described as India ‘s wonder drug, it contains 85 minerals in ionic form and fulvic acid.

* Kanchanara – Bauhinia veriegata (purple mountain ebony): Specific herb for keeping the thyroid healthy.

* Bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) – An exceptional source of mineral iodine, necessary for proper functioning of the thyroid.

* Licorice - Primarily for overall glandular balancing and for building energy levels.


* Coconut oil holds a great promise for thyroid health, as it is a saturated fat largely made up of medium chain fatty acids or triglycerides and is know to increase the metabolism rate and encourage weight loss.

* Your diet should contain healthy foods such as vegetable juices, unrefined sea salt.

Source: The Natural Beat

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Saturday 9 July 2011

Natural Remedies For Insomnia

Insomnia can be a burden in so many ways It can make sleeping very difficult for you.

Insomnia can be a burden in so many ways. It can make sleeping very difficult for you. Or it can wake you up in the middle of the night, just when you almost thought you are going to have a good night sleep. Insomnia can also force you to wake up so early in the morning, after realizing you only have three hour''s worth of rest. There are a lot of reasons why people develop insomnia. Stress, wrong diet, anxiety, depression, and other personal issues are often the culprits. It''s a good thing that many herbal remedies can be used to treat insomnia. And these remedies can bring back your regular sleeping cycle in the most natural way.

To treat insomnia, herbs such as California poppy are highly recommended. This herb can act as a sedative, allowing you to sleep peacefully at night. Regular intake of California poppy can promote a good night''s sleep all the time.

Like California poppy, chamomile has mild sedative properties as well. Just make yourself a warm cup of chamomile tea a few hours before going to bed. That should relax your mind and your muscles, allowing you to sleep as easily as you should.

Alternately, you can use hops instead of chamomile. Hops tea is also good for relaxing the body. It promotes a peaceful sleep while easing away your indigestion problems. A common reason why people fail to sleep well at night is because their digestive system gets overworked from processing the food they have eaten during the day. This is why doctors often ask insomnia patients not to eat hours before going to sleep.

Oat straw is another good herb to whisk away insomnia. It works inside the body, more particularly in the nervous system. It soothes the nervous system''s functions while nourishing the nerves, brain, and the spinal cord. Ask an herbalist on how you can possibly use oat straw for insomnia.

Other herbs such as kava, passionflower, lemon balm, rooibos, skullcap, valerian, and St. John''s Worth are also proven effective against insomnia. All of them promote the relaxation necessary for a good night''s sleep. They work by easing the muscles and relieving body pains in the process. Most of these herbal remedies can also address inflammations and muscle spasms.

More herbal remedies for Insomnia:

  • Poppy Treatment.
California poppy is an herb that can effectively work as an anti-stimulant. As such, it can easily promote sleep in a person. Take California poppy tincture or extract every night before going to sleep. This will help you get your forty winks in no time.

  • Insomnia and Oat straw.
 Oat straw nourishes and soothes the entire nervous system. Its mild sedative effects can effectively lull you into sleep. Oat seeds can be used alternately with oat straw as they have the same benefits on the body.

  • Yarrow for Insomnia.
Yarrow flowers have a lot of herbal uses. It can aid insomniac patients by acting as a mild tranquilizer. Yarrow can easily be obtained from any garden, usually as an unwanted weed. Currently, yarrow is available as tea blends, tea, capsules, and tablets. Take any one of these whenever necessary.

  • Chamomile Remedy for Insomnia.
Chamomile is a fragrant herb that can induce sleep. Its aromatic properties can get you into deep slumber fast. Its mild sedative properties get into work a few minutes after taking it.
Drink chamomile tea every night as a treatment for chronic insomnia.

  • Passionflower Treatment for Insomnia.
Passionflower helps relax the muscles. It is the perfect cure for insomnia due to stress and anxiety. It helps promotes sleep with just a small dosage. Take warm passionflower tea before sleeping for optimum relief from insomnia.

Take a dose of these herbs on a regular basis. That way, you will be able to break free from insomnia and all the discomfort it brings. You don''t have to deal with insomnia all your life. Let these suggested herbal remedies for insomnia lead you towards recovery.

Source: The Free Library

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