Friday 6 May 2011

Natural Remedies For Asthma

Asthma is a kind of respiratory disease affecting the bronchioles and the tracheal tubes, thus home remedy asthma Top 10 Home Remedies For Effective Asthma Treatment narrowing the air passage to the lungs. The amount of air reaching the lungs reduces, causing difficulty in breathing. Though it can attack at all ages, these days it is more prominent in young children. Treatment with drugs can provide you temporary relief but home made remedy is one thing that can help in improving the condition. Here is some handful of methods to prevent your asthma going out of control, that too by sitting at home only:

Have cinnamon powder, around a half tablespoon, along with honey before sleeping.

For quick relief, take eight to ten cloves of boiled garlic in half a cup of water.

A cup of water with one teaspoonful of soaked seeds of fenugreek when taken at night enhances the resistance power of the body against asthma.

Paste of bitter guard roots along with an equal amount of honey or juice of tulsi is also an instant remedy for curing asthma.

Another quick and easy remedy is to drink a cup of hot milk. If you boil some ginger in milk, it will be effective all the more. Ginger juice can also be taken with honey and water.

Try to inhale fumes of fennel oil which is boiling. In the same way, you can try breathing the steam of ajwain in boiling water. It can also be drunk twice or thrice a day daily.

An herb Gingko biloba, if taken regularly, can help in reducing the frequency attacks to an individual.

To fight out respiratory congestion make mullein oil in the form it daily and consume it regularly.

Take lemon squeezed in one glass of water with your meals.

There are certain vitamins which enhances the immune system of our body to fight against asthma. Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 helps in reducing the inflammation of the lungs. Vitamin C increases the amount of oxygen reaching our lungs. If exercising triggers your asthma, then increase the quantity of salt intake and take vitamin C one hour before you start exercising.

These home remedies will help to control the problem of asthma. If followed regularly, they can even help in curing the disease completely. They have no side- effects on the body, so can be done without any hovering fears.

Source: Buzzle

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